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Data Analyst

Open Book
About Me

About Me

I've been an educator for over 20 years and also established my own childcare business. This was extremely meaningful work to me and something I look back on with a lot of pride. Now that I've concluded these two careers though, I'm ready to pivot into data analytics. Why? It may not seem obvious at first, but data analysts take millions of numbers and find the story behind them. The information they produce completely shapes the future of businesses and industries. That's what I love. I want to see a direct relationship between my effort and a project's results. That's what it was like teaching students and also caring for tiny children. What I did, mattered. I'm also insanely curious about getting information and learning how to solve a problem. Data analysts do this. They look at the details and sift all that information down to a compelling, accurate and actionable story. That prospect is something that feels like a natural next step to me career-wise, and why I'm excited about this journey.


To make my dream a reality, I decided to apply to the Merit America Data Analytics program. There I would not only learn the technical skills required for my new career, but also receive the professional development and mentorship I would need.  Come with me as I make the change to the drastically different world of tech after being in business for myself, a stay-at-home mom and a homeschool teacher for all of my adult life.

          Click on the articles tab above to find out how it went!

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