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  • Writer's pictureCamille Johnson

Homework on the Job Search

This week I've been working on a take-home project for a company I'm interviewing with. There are job seekers out there who dislike the prospect of doing free work and have concerns about their ideas being stolen, but I'm not afraid to say that I'm honestly happy for the opportunity.

As a career changer, one of my biggest hurdles is lack of industry-specific experience. Projects like this are a golden opportunity to show that I can do the work and do it well.

There are so many advantages to it:

• Instead of trying to convince an employer that I'm capable, I can show them with their own data.

• I have something concrete to talk about during the interview.

• Even if I don't get an offer, I have a portfolio piece and real-world experience.

• The process gives me confidence and quiets the imposter syndrome that's always lurking.

Anyway, I much prefer an entire data analysis project over a quicker SQL skills test. SQL tests are really hard, you guys. 😓 Plus, I think a project paints a much clearer picture of the kind of candidate I am.

Here a sample page from what I've been working on that has business insights along with a visualization I created.

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