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  • Writer's pictureCamille Johnson

Ready with an Answer

Recently, I got a screening email from a recruiter. Completing it really demonstrated how far I've come since I first started my job search. If I had gotten these questions 5 months ago, the answers would have been a stretch for me because I had just started creating projects.

1. Explain your knowledge with query writing.

2. What experience do you have with designing and implementing complex database models to generate meaningful analysis and conclusions?

3. What is your experience with using BI tools to create robust visualizations and working tools for clients? Please explain.

4. Explain your experience performing data analytics, problem-solving, coding or related competencies?

5. How proficient are you with Tableau, SQL, Python, coding?

6. If you have an example of using Tableau visualizations, please attach.

7. Do you have any experience in the public housing space or nonprofit industry analyzing public data?

Here are my answers. I was really proud of myself for being so prepared! (All the projects cited were hyperlinked).

1. My knowledge of query writing in SQL consists of functions such as sum, count, group by, having, order by, limit, if, joins and temp tables, among others. For an example of a series of queries I wrote, please see my Covid Data Exploration in SQL and Cohort Analysis in SQL.

In R, I have experience with min/max/mean, mutate, nested functions, select, separate, summarize, and group by, among others. For an example of my R queries, please see my Bikeshare Case Study in R.

2. An example of my experience with complex data models can be illustrated by Bikeshare Case Study, cited above. This dataset contained over 6 million rows of data, which I cleaned and modeled. To hear a description of the insights and conclusions I drew, please watch this short presentation: Bikeshare Case Study Power Point.

3. The BI tool I have the most experience with is Tableau. I have created a number of Tableau Dashboards which demonstrate my proficiency with featuring high level metrics for quick takeaways, custom filters to allow digging a little deeper and carefully chosen chart types to clearly communicate information.

4. I've recently completed a project for the commercial real estate industry analyzing compensation data. Here is a Power Point presentation detailing the insights gained with several visualizations I created: Regional COO Compensation Survey Results.

5. My proficiency with Tableau and SQL is probably at the intermediate level, with a continuing mindset toward increasing my knowledge and expertise. I am at a beginning level with Python coding, having done some initial, simple coding projects like a Band Name generator, Tip Calculator, Rock/Paper/Scissors, and Hangman games.

6. Tableau Dashboards (link)

7. I do not have any exposure to analyzing data for the public housing space or non-profits.

I got the interview! Keep working on your portfolio and your confidence will grow right along with it.

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