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  • Writer's pictureCamille Johnson

I Feel It Coming Together

You guys! It's starting to come together.

I've heard back from 6 applications in the last week, which is astounding considering how long I've been trying with no luck. I know not to count on any of the opportunities so much that I stop applying to other things, but just having the encouragement of INTEREST is enough to keep me going. Thanks to all of you sending me good wishes and prayers after I shared how low I was feeling last week.

I can tell you a couple of things that I think made the difference recently.

• I went from listing 2 examples of analytics projects on my resume to 4. One for each of the tools I know. I had to condense some other information in order to make it fit, but this is really the area that matters.

• I expanded my portfolio (still in the process of adding more projects).

• I finally connected to some recruiters. This has been key. I don't know why this part has been so hard for me to get started. One way I've found is that when I get a recruiter in my inbox presented a job opportunity that doesn't fit, I started responding anyway. I tell them why it's not right for me and what I am actually looking for. This helps both of us! Always attach your most updated resume, as well.

• Be sure to follow other data analysts who have broken into their first job. If they thank a recruiter - take note of the name. Maybe they can help you, too!

There is definitely more need out there for mid-level and senior analysts, but I believe we can all find our place. Have a great week, especially to all my fellow women in tech on this International Women's Day!

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