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  • Writer's pictureCamille Johnson

Keep on keeping on

I'm about to begin my 5th month of looking for work and honestly, it's getting discouraging. I know the average job search can take 3-6 months and 100 applications or more, but I didn't expect to be on the long end of it. But here we are. A recruiter I'm working with mentioned that it is a little dry out there for entry-level data analytics roles and I'm finding that to be true on my end, too. It's taking all of my skills to stay positive and motivated everyday. If you're in the same boat, let me remind you that you are a whole person with many skills and values outside of this arena. The right fit for you is coming and they will be so lucky to have you!

One way I'm staying motivated is continuing to practice my skills by making portfolio projects. My goal is to have 3 examples of each of the analytic tools I've learned. As I create new projects, my retention and confidence is growing, and that definitely helps me feel better. Here is my latest one - a Customer Retention Cohort Analysis. If you don't know what a cohort analysis is, neither did I until I made this! Check out my explanation of the process below. All thanks to Angelina Frimpong for the inspiration over on YouTube.

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